Screenly HTTP basic authentication

Post date: Nov 10, 2017 2:33:56 PM

Access to Screenly web configuration interface can be restricted via an HTTP basic access authentication which denies access without proper login and password.


Login and password are defined in the ~/.screenly/screenly.conf configuration file, in the [auth] part as shown below:

[auth] ; If desired, fill in with appropriate username and password. user= password=

By default, both fields are empty which disables the HTTP basic authentication leaving the web configuration interface accessible to anyone.

Modify the file to fill your desired login and passwords then restart the web server with:

pkill -f

Missing [auth]

If the [auth] part is missing from your configuration file (which can occur if you updated Screenly from a version that hadn't the HTTP basic authentication feature), you can add it with this command (adapt for desired login and password):

cat >> ~/.screenly/screenly.conf <<'EOT'[auth]user = foopassword = barEOT

Update command programmatically

To change both login and password with a single command, you can use:

sed --in-place \     -e 's/^user\s*=\s*.*/user = foo/' \     -e 's/^password\s*=\s*.*/password = bar/' \     ~/.screenly/screenly.conf


Once enabled, any access to the web configuration interface (id. http://aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd:8080) will be asked for credentials (via browser UI).


Sending credentials over nonencrypted channel such as HTTP (non-HTTPS) is discouraged. Please consider enabling SSL (see this FAQ article) to protect your credentials from eavesdropping.